Wednesday, October 24, 2012

There's Two Sides To This Story!

Hello everyone! Sorry it has been a little bit since I've been on here. I've finally beaten back the horrible sinus problems, and hope they don't show themselves again for a long time! However, they have gone off with my mojo as well! So if you've seen it, please send it around to me again! Until then, I will have to make due with the little bit I've managed to scrape off the sides of my trash can, when mojo was so plentiful a little bit fell to the floor,  and was then cleaned up instead of stored away. Don't you hate it when that happens? I certainly do!
Alas though, here it is, another new fortnight...already!  "Hey hey, we're the Funkies! People say we funky around!" ....Sorry...I couldn't help myself. I've missed talking to you all! Okay, back to business now! Sue Carrington, of Stamping Sue Style, is hosting the challenge this time at Frilly & Funkie, and she wants to see Anything But A Card, And There's A Twist...Something Must Be Hidden! So, it's time to let your imagination run wild! You could be thinking of a 3D project, an altered item, or keeping it simple with a tag, but don't forget that twist. You must include somewhere to hide something. This could be a flap, an envelope, a pocket, or even a gift box with something inside. Have fun with this one! You still have a week left to play along, and if you need a little inspiration or even a lot, please visit the other Design Team's blogs. 
Linda Coughlin - The Funkie Junkie
Marjie Kemper - She Who Stamps and Scraps 
Teresa Kline - Paperie Blooms
Terry Horrall -  Terry's Work In Progress 
Sue Carrington - Stamping Sue Style 
Rebecca Deeprose - Paper Primrose
Well like I said before, the mojo is definitely lacking at La Casa de Houston, so when I saw the challenge at Simon Says Stamp & Show for "Inspired by Wendy Vecchi", a little low voltage light went on inside my head, and while it's not 100 watts, it's at least something! So my F&F piece is totally made of Blossom Buckets and Art Parts, and you already know how much I love my Parts...or is that Wendy's Parts???
Front Cute Side: Bursting with luscious green  healthy plants, a black bird, and glorious flowers!
I really wanted this to turn out much different, and try as I might I couldn't figure out how to maneuver a Flip- Flopper Over for my hidden part. I am really going to have to dive deep in my engineer/architect files that are hidden somewhere in the confines of my brain, lost at the moment. So instead of revealing my hidden secret with a Flip Flop, you get the Turn Around instead! WOW...right? :-(
Scary Back Side: A wicked old zombie witch, with poisonous snakes for hair, a mean crow who wants to peck your eyes out, and not a feather on one of her wings!
A ton of Art Parts were altered, reconfigured (These will be her hat.)...
...stained, inked, and stamped. Tim's skull was stamped with Ranger's Jet Black Archival onto Specialty Stamping Paper and adhered to the Art Part Head.
I am also submitting this duo sided piece to the challenge at the Everything Wendy Vecchi Yahoo Group for "Creepy, Freaky, or Just Plain Weird", the Stamp Man Challenge of "Butterflies, Birds, & Bees", and the Blogger's Challenge for "Alter It". 

I hope your hands get creatively dirty soon!


  1. Completely brilliant, fabulous & gorgeous.

  2. If you can produce this mini masterpiece when your mojo has got up and gone, I can only marvel to think ... !!

  3. Glad to hear you are feeling better and I'm sure a bit of blog surfing and revisiting old projects can't fail to help to kickstart your mojo. Boy, there are peeps out there would settle for what your mojo can do at 20%!! Loved the 'pot plant' side and then whoa! what an unexpected surprise on the reverse!! Love the way your creative brain works, even when it is down on power. Hope you have a great end to the week. Hugs, Buttons x

  4. This is an amazingly fab project Anita x you are on a roll and I love it. Hugs Annie x

  5. Wow Anita, I love the front of your gorgeous project but that really is a twist when you turn it round - a genius idea! Love the skull with the glasses on, that is so funny and the crow does look a bit creepy - love it - a lot. Glad to hear you are feeling better, can't wait to see what you create when Mr Mojo is back to a full 100 watts........Crafty hugs, Anne x

  6. Glad you are feeling somewhat better. I think I may have seen Mojo passing thru Tampa on it's way to Bermuda for a late vacation! Love this Turn It Around creation. I think it's better than a Flipper Upper!

  7. Absolutely fantastic Anita, I was admiring your gorgeous flowers and pot and the bird peering out the top and what a surprise I got when you turned it around . Very clever indeed, I love it. The skull s fantastic stamped onto the Art Parts with the added glasses and hat. Love this piece Anita, one of my favourites of yours. Thanks so much for joining in the Simon Says Stamp and Show Challenge. Tracy x

  8. OMG Anita!! This is such a fantastic piece!! Lack of mojo?? Not even close. Your creativity is so inspiring. So glad you are feeling better :)

  9. ohh this is amazing Anita! Love the twist that when you turn it, there it is! So glad to hear that you're feeling better. You're mojo can't be far away if you can make something fabulous like this! He'll be back to you very soon! Thank you so much for joining us at Simon Says Stamp and Show. Hugs, Sandra

  10. Hey there Anita, my goodness what some fabulous and AMAZING pieces you made with the ARTPARTS from THE Wendy absolutely fabulous, I love them to bits...fantastic pieces of ART. Thank you so much for joining into the fun with the DT from Simon Says Stamp and SHow. wowhooooo
    Hugs Terry xxx

  11. Waaaay to cool! It doesn't look to me like your Mojo is missing! I'm glad you're feeling better.

  12. Well, first of all Anita, I loved your post and am still giggling over "hey, hey, we're the Funkies" and the image of scraping mojo off the sides of the trash can. I'm there with ya, couldn't get going on my piece this week because visions of houses are dancing in my head. And certainly no one could discern a lack of mojo when looking at this sensational piece. The front is gorgeous and the back too cool for words! Your pieces are always so cleverly designed and this is another great example.

    So glad to hear you are feeling better!


  13. WOW...never saw the flip-flop coming! VERY CLEVER, Anita!!! Love what you've "managed" to create!

  14. It doesn't seem to me that mojo is hiding at all!!! I Love this... well, the flower side anyway, lol. I'm not into skulls but the whole idea of something different on each side is brilliant!!! And you've put it together sooooooooooo well!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Amazing!!!!

  15. This is really awesome Anita. I love that it's two sided, two uses out of one project, it doesn't get better than that. So imaginative!!!!

  16. What a great project and a very funny title... love your 2 sides! How cool that you hid the pointy hat behind the floral arrangement... Love your Spec-Wearing Skeleton, too!

  17. This is just plain COOL! When I saw the back, I had to go back and look at the front again. The 2 sides are so different, but the shapes fit each other so well. Very clever and creative :D

  18. Hi Anita! This is a very cool piece! You say your mojo is lacking...but I think this piece looks fantastic! Love the surprise twist of flipping the whole piece around and BOO! Love it!! I wanted To thank you so much for the very kind comments you left on my blog regarding my house that Wendy built. It was fun to make and actually didn't take that long once I got the idea figured out. :) Hugs,, Candy

  19. Very creeepppyyy Anita! Totally love both pieces, what a stupendous idea for the witch hat! Thanks so much for joining the MAC!

  20. Very clever for someone who's missing her mojo!

  21. Slam, woman. You knocked my socks off with this flip-flop art piece! Wowza!

  22. Absolutely fabulous!!!! Love the creepy contrast~ it's really terrific! Hugs (or should I say 'screech')

  23. Wowza is right! Anita, you are blessed with a creative imagination that stretches as far as the longest string of spaghetti. Love your fabulous 'double entendre pot' and your very entertaining post. Delighted you're healing and back in blogland. Can't wait for next post when your batteries are at maximum... Nicola x

  24. Glad to hear you are feeling better! Not fun at all to be sick! This is over the top fabulous! Love both sides of your story, but I think you know which side I would stick to!! Have a wonderful feel good day!

  25. Oh wow Anita, absolutely fantastic project ! I love the flowery side and the alter ego is just amazing ! I think my mojo has gone on the same vacation as yours ! Sue C x

  26. wow girl this is great and two sided to boot. What a perfect prettie for this time of year, as always love what ou do xo

  27. So glad to hear you're feeling better - and, hey, your Mojo at rock bottom would be enough for most people to be feeling pretty damn fine! What an amazing bit of scraping you must have done to create this... the shades on the skull gave me a big smile. You really are a woman of many parts (art parts), I must say!
    Alison x

  28. Hope you continue to get better. In the meantime, I think you found your Mojo! Great project!!!

  29. OMG!!!!! Anita you're project is very very cool! I love all two sides!!!! BArbarayaya

  30. Wow, that's a breathtaking piece of art. Sooooo wonderful.

  31. This is fantastic so fabulous ideas with beutiful flowers and wonderful skull. I love both sides.
    Greetings Asia:)

  32. This project is crazy fun. I look at the first side and hear lovely flute music and birds tweeting happily and then....just when I'm all relaxed and feeling one with nature, I see the flip side. The creepy music starts and the raven caws and the nearsighted skellie peers at me through his glasses...yikes! Creativity abounds here with awesome results.

  33. When I scrolled down and saw the back side I got the giggles . It was sooo unexpected. Great job ! Glad you are feeling better .

  34. Saw this at F&F, and had to come see what the hidden something was--NEVER would have guessed that, Anita!!!

    Very fun!


  35. Your mojo seems fine to me! Great/creative project. But I know what you mean...there is a world of difference between having it flow and dragging it kicking and screaming into the world. But you done good.

  36. How spookingly cool is that! Love both sides, very creative! Thanks for playing along with the Bloggers Challenge!


  38. Brilliant , wonderful front and incredibly cool back! So clever! Another fab make!trace. X

  39. Wow! super pretty and cute flower pot full of gorgeousness, then the other side is sooo frightenly fun. I couldn't help smiling along with that big skeleton toothy grin. Could your send a little bit of that non- mojo over to me please, I think it's working out well for you! Alexandra

  40. Awesome Anita, love everything about it, hope you feel better soon. x

  41. Shut the front door AND the back door. You know what, just lock down the whole house!!!!!! Ok, so I felt completely honored when you left your very sweet comment on the tins, but now...."cerea ly", i feel inadequate to your outstanding skills! T his is so outrageously amazing! A Dr. Jekyll Mrs. Hyde extravaganza!!!! I wanna pin it too, but no idea how!!

  42. I am totally speechless!!! WOW oh WOW!!! How darn cool is this!!! YOU totally rocked Wendy's world I am sure....hope she see this!!! Thanks so much for joining us at Simon Says Stamp and Show :)


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