Wednesday, July 18, 2018


No pics or tutorial today, just an aha moment! Okay, talk about feeling stupid!!! Long story short...a friend of mine said she left me a comment yesterday. I thought that was strange as I haven't had any comments on my blog since May. I chalked it up to everybody is finally sick of me, but after no comments in June and July, my self worth was starting to come into play. With so many social media outlets now, I figured people were just using Instragram to comment as it's so popular now, and since its inception my blog comments have been low anyway. Well...I went into my settings, and everything was the same, as I have comments sent to my email for moderation to keep the spam away, but under comments in the design section there was an unpublished comment button. I click it, and low and behold a zillion comments awaiting moderation since 2014, and several since May. Albeit, 95% were spam, but also my regulars awaiting to be published. Talk about feeling special instantly!!! ;0) I guess with the new European laws, (hope I have complied correctly) blogger has changed it up, and me not being or looking for the KNOW just didn't know it. This got me to thinking some of you might be in the same boat, as I've commented on several days old posts on some of you, and it read you had no comments either which I found strange. So if that is you, go to your unpublished comments and see.  Anyway, food for thought, and of course a big THANK YOU to those who still comment on blogs. I am so bad about it in the summer months, but I'll be around I promise! Hugs everyone!!!

I hope your hands get creatively dirty soon!


  1. Ok, that would explain why I've not been getting comments of late, never ever occurred to me that it might be something about the new legislation! I saw someone telling us how to fix it , I saved it but have been travelling so not fixed yet!

    I'm still here just running behind on a lot of comments due to a young puppy!

    Sally x

  2. You would think they could make all this blogger administration much easier, don't you think? This is exactly how I often feel when they make some change and don't send you an email or post what you should know.

  3. Well my blog (although not blogger) has been "haunted" lately by weird followers & would be hackers. :) I always love your posts.

  4. I think this has happened to everyone in Blogland, a friend of mine found a solution until such time as Blogger put things right (if they ever do!)..... I hope you might find it useful Anita.

    P.s. you are much loved!!!
    * Go to your dashboard
    * Click on Settings
    * Click on Email
    * Delete your email address and click on 'Save Settings' in upper right
    * Re-enter your email address and click on 'Save Settings' again
    * You will then receive an email in your inbox from Blogger confirming that you want to subscribe
    * Click on the underlined word 'Subscribe' in the email

    Hugs, Anne xxx

    1. Thank you Anne...just did all glad you are in the know!!!

  5. Been there done that. The world is such a smaller place with technology and it truly makes being a part of a creative community much easier; however, it not without its headaches. I just posted my first Instagram story because I am hoping it will allow me to stay in touch and share with all my craft friends when life gets hectic this fall. Thanks for liking my first post Anita! I have no idea what I'm doing on Instagram (You may have noticed that I forgot to put a description on my pic ... sigh ... I have one now. Learning the ropes.). I love blogging, but it I just can't keep up with it an my job during the academic year. Sigh. I can stay up with blogging during the summer. I hope to hang out and look through what you've been doing lately. Thanks for the info!!! Hugs -- Mary Elizabeth

  6. Who knows what happened, but yes, I think we have all been there since the new legislation. My friend Anne Redfern with help from someone else, figured out that the way around it is that you have to subscribe to your own blog to keep getting comments when they come in. I don't have comment moderation, so that might be different again, but if you want to know in detail how some of us got around it, check my post

  7. Hi Anita!!! Thanks for this post. I also found some comments awaiting moderation and then took the time to actually look into this whole not getting email notifications anymore thing which hopefully took me to the fix. I'll know the next time there is a comment :)

  8. Thank you Anita. Worth to look it up. I get your emails and love to see your ideas and designs. Tfs

  9. Thanks for sharing Anita, I don't have enough followers or even really get enough views to warrant moderation, but this is definitely good to know! Sorry I haven't had much time to view/comment on blogs lately, we have had a family emergency that has really consumed my time. I am trying to visit many of the blogs I love today, and to be better about staying in touch from here on out. Enjoy the rest of the summer!

  10. Yup! Totally happened to all of us! I ended up starting a new email to get all of my followed blogs to so I could be sure and not miss any and then all of the sudden -no commenting on mine! Yes, Blogger sure did change things up, they just forgot to tell all of us regular Bloggers- dumb move as many folks moved to Word Press. I'm staying put though!
    Glad things have worked out for you and hopefully we are all back on track!

  11. Hi Anita, I must confess I've been a bit slack with my blog commenting lately but want to let you know I still love your work ! Xx

  12. I must admit that I have been a bad blogger for nearly a year... well maybe even 2! I find the task of getting photos from my phone to my laptop arduous, and seeing as that is my go to photo tool now... I have rather given up on blogging. I do try post on Facebook, but feel that I should really get back to blogging on a more regular scale. I did see something on my page and hopefully ticked the right box!

    Hope you are keeping well.


Thank you so much for viewing my blog and commenting on it! It truly means so much to me.