Thursday, October 27, 2011

Configurations Tray Completed!!!

After a couple of get together Crops with the besties, Paula and I finally finished our Configurations Tray from the Tim Cruise. Phew! What a fun project!!! You can sit and look at them for 30 minutes and still see something you haven't noticed yet. Definitely my most favorite project of the cruise.
Paula's Tray

My Tray
 My Besties
Pam, Paula, Tamara, my DD and her friend
Recipe courtesy of Susan Lussier of NY
Tamara and her CE project
Paula and her Acorn Cookies


  1. Love both the boxes, it looks like you had a wonderful time on the cruise if the boxes are anything to go by. You made me feel very envious.

  2. Love your boxes. We should make some for our New York trip. I can't wait!! I need the receipe for those cookies. They are too cute.


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