Thursday, April 14, 2016

A Sharp Distressed Man???

Hello Crafters! Today, I have a bevy of cards to show you using Tim's new gent stamps from Stamper's Anonymous. I LOVE all the artsy and so masculine! And, I wanted to show you how versatile Ranger's Specialty Stamping Paper is capable of really getting wet! Hope you enjoy this artsy twist on a theme!
A lot of my students think that Specialty Stamping Paper is only for super crisp stamping. It's not! It can take a whole variety of mediums, and then still make super stamped images once it's dry. For that reason, it is my most favorite paper...REALLY! It makes the greatest 3D type layers too, and they stay that way, even with Distress Ink.
To make the first layer, I applied Ground Espresso Distress Ink directly to my craft sheet, then I misted it with water. I laid my paper in, and dragged a little. Then I gave this a dry with the heat tool back and front.
For layer two, I added Mermaid Lagoon Distress Ink to the craft sheet, and repeated the steps above. Adding the second layer DID NOT move any of my ink from the first layer. It's like the card absorbs it, and it stays put.  All the designs are still there! When I discovered this, I was blown away...I LOVE this paper! It's genius!
To make the third layer, I added Candied Apple to the craft sheet, and repeated again. All three layers melded nicely...there is no mud...just a layered 3D look! This paper is great for marbling! Sheer geniousness!
Then I started stamping. I stamped the new Newsprint image in Wendy's Tree Branch Archival Ink, and gave that a dry. You must dry every layer you put on, so it doesn't smear.
Then I stamped all the images from Evolution and Sideshow...great Jet Black Archival. The surface of the table was very sturdy, so my images weren't solid, BUT I LOVED that, because the under layers came through in spots. It was perfect for these artsy cards.
Then I stamped the numbers from the Sideshow set in Forget Me Not, and dry this.
Then I stamped even more with Red Geranium. All the images are super crisp. Then to finish the cards, I mounted them on cardstock and a kraft base, and added Linen Ribbon, Nailheads (LOVE), and a Quote Band.
Isn't Specialty Stamping Paper the bomb?!! Aren't these images great?!! I LOVED Tim's whole line this year...very masculine...which is why I fell in love with his style so many years ago! Thanks Tim!

I'm off to Boston today for the Collins Group Spring Show. I'm even teaching there, so please wish me luck teaching those store owners...yikes!!!

I hope your hands get creatively dirty soon!

Wednesday, April 06, 2016

The Croppin Bug

Happy April everyone! Thanks for all the comments back in March. I had several posts...shocking I know...last month, and I appreciate all the love! I'm just back from the Houston area where I taught at the Croppin Bug, located in La Marque. Here are a few pics of the journey...and I do mean a journey...18 hours of driving there and back...but it was gorgeous all along the way since it's bluebonnet time. The only bad part was there was tons of traffic in the Houston area, and a car threw up a rock at me, and put a quarter sized star in my windshield! The words that came out of my mouth would shame a sailor...sorry Mom! Other than that, it was a great trip. Thanks for having me out Croppin Bugs!!!
My first class was an altered know the make up and toiletry kit of the month club...that we altered using Tim's Distress Mosaic Kit. Gotta use up the trash. I always kit on the floor...lots of space.
The calm before the storm on Friday afternoon.
All of the ladies boxes came out beautifully, and everyone was happy despite all the hard work.
Then Friday night, we had Make N Takes. I did a 15 minute class using Tim's new Collage Mediums, Distress Crayons, Distress Brushes, Ephemera, and Wendy's background stamps and Ranger Archival Inks. We barely made the 15 minute times up!!!

I had lots of samples of the technique to show them, and everyone made beautiful tags.
Saturday afternoon, I drove out to Galveston...I had never been see if I could get a good picture of the Bolivar Lighthouse, which was the subject of the next class I was teaching. Galveston is a beautiful place, despite the greenish water. There are tons of old antique shops and lots of places I needed more time to shop at.
That black pencil in the distance is the lighthouse. I would have had to take a ferry to get there, so this is the closest I could get.
Saturday night, I ate by the water at a famous local eatery called Top Water Grill. It was yummy!!!
Then Sunday, it was time for the lighthouse mixed media class using all of Dina's Media line. This was the first painting type class the Bug has had, so everyone was a little timid.
Here is the canvas.
Despite their trepidation, everyone had a wonderful time, and made beautiful paintings! It was such fun, and such lovely ladies!
I hope your hands get creatively dirty soon!