Thursday, September 26, 2013

12 Tags of 2013 - September (+ A Give Away!!!)

Hello everyone and happy happy Autumn! 
I've been so busy kitting lately for the biggest class I've ever had...Christmas Village Centerpiece... so I'm sorry to have been gone for so long. MASSIVE "Thank You's" go out to all of you who commented on the baby shoes! I was absolutely blown away by all the attention they received. I really thought I'd get some sad faces over those, but it was all good...again thank you tons!
AND, with all the kitting came a little clean up, which produced the freebie products that I was supposed to give away after CHA Summer! HELLO! None of you reminded me that I was supposed to do that! ;0) I totally forgot and I am so sorry, but don't y'all want some goodies?!? I'll choose a winner from this post's comments and let you know who won on Monday, September 30th.
Now onto my September tag for Tim's 12 Tags of 2013. I followed all the steps, but gave it an Autumn favoritest season!!! While I did like a few things about the tag, I definitely thought it was way too cluttered up, so I gave it another go. I know, so not me to do a redo. I am a firm believer that there are no mistakes in Art, but I just wasn't satisfied.
I used the Clockwork and Rays Stencils with the Distress Paint after I added the Embossing Paste leaves using Dyan's Leaf Flourish Stencil. I was definitely a little sloppy with the Clockwork cannot even make out the clock, but I thought I should keep going on it.
Autumn colors of Stains came next and I was much happier because of the warm coloring, but then I just couldn't stop adding more stenciling and stamping. Why do I have to be so gaudy?
I added the new Distress Glitter in Mustard Seed to Translucent Embossing Paste to make the stars. I love how they came out, and I was much happier with this tag, although I liked the colors of the first one better. Oh and learn.
We get a creative bonus this Autumn Season...Tim's Creative Chemistry 102! Woohoo! I can't wait to get started on it next week! I hope you all join in on the fun, AND...don't forget to comment for a chance to win the loot!


I hope your hands get creatively dirty soon!

Thursday, September 05, 2013

BabyPunk Shoes???

Hi Crafty People!!! Hope everyone is well out there. 
First, I'd like to say a big "Thank you!" to those of you who have sent me some happy mail know who you are! I am deeply grateful and humbled you would think of me. I LOVE blogland for many reasons, but the biggest one being that I have met so many people that I call friends! You all mean so much, despite never having seen your face. I treasure you!!!
Now back to business. When I went to the Create n Connect Summer CHA in July, I was so fortunate to meet many new and talented people. Eileen Hull, who designs her own Dies for Sizzix...check them all out here...was one of the people I met through my buddy Amy Bowerman, who was helping Eileen demo some of her new Dies for her Cherished Series, which is all about the little ones in our lives.
I was lucky to be given some of the precut Dies of the new goods...thanks Ladies! One of those was the new Baby Shoe Booty, and I just fell in love with it. I instantly had tons of ideas to bring these "Booties" to life, like maybe making ice skates, or high heeled shoes, or golf, football, and baseball shoes, or shoes for every holiday, or even roller skates!
(*Note - The Die is not up for sale yet, so I do not have a thumb to link it too, but you can see all information on it by clicking the above link. I think it will be out in February, 2014.)
So I went with roller skates and was debating on whether or not they would be the traditional pink or blue...for baby you know...except they quickly morphed into an industrial flying steampunk'd out pair, and I had to go with it. These are certainly not your typical gift for a cute, little, precious bundle of joy, so I'm very sorry if my project offends anyone. However if it doesn't, then grab a cuppa as there are many photos.
Eileen is well known for using Mat Board with her Scoreboards 3D dies, and I can totally see why. It is extremely durable and holds shapes and folds so tearing here. I began by covered the pieces with Ranger's Foil Tape Sheets.
I ran all the pieces through Tim's Riveted Texture Fade from Sizzix.
Everything received a little coating of Pitch Black Paint Dabber, and after it dried I sanded some of it off the raised parts to reveal the foil underneath.
I traced half circles onto some scrap manila using various jars I had laying around, and after cutting them out I sprayed them with Ink Refresher on both sides, and began to crumple them up a bit. comes Tim's Faux Leather Technique (Remember my video?)!
Perfect Pearls came next, along with Walnut Stain Distress Ink.
I used Glue N Seal to adhere the leather like pieces on.
Lots of brads, er rivets, came next.
It was pure joy to go crazy adding lots of Idea-ology and other metal pieces. I had a hard time stopping myself from adding more!
Finally it was time to attach all of the pieces together, and affix the wheels on, courtesy of some Match Box toy cars. I used a piece of soft balsa wood to hold the wheels by drilling a tiny hole on each side to allow for the axles.

I hope your hands get creatively dirty soon!